Frequently Asked Questions
chevron_rightWhich amenities are open to the public? The golf course and restaurant are open to the public. The beach, swimming pool, hot tub and tennis courts are for the use of HOA members and accompanied guests only. All dues and fees must be current for members and their guests to enjoy the use of the beach, pool, hot tub and tennis courts. All dues and fees must be current for members and their guests to receive the reduced green fees at the golf course.
chevron_rightIs a membership card required to use members only facilities? Yes. Please show your membership card and sign in at the Golf Shop before entering the pool and the hot tub areas and when signing in to play tennis. On busy weekends and holidays, you may be required to show your membership card to use the private beach.
chevron_rightWhere do I get my membership card? HOA membership cards can be picked up in the Golf Shop. Please have your lot number and photo ID available. All HOA and Amenities fees must be paid in order to receive your membership card.
chevron_rightWhen are the pool and hot tub open?
The pool and hot tub are open Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day.The pool and hot tub are now open for 2023. See you this Summer!Don't forget your HOA membership card is required as use of the pool and hot tub are limited to HOA/POA members only. -
chevron_rightHow many guests can I bring to use the pool and hot tub? A reasonable number of guests are allowed to use the pool and hot tub. A member with a valid membership card must accompany all guests.
chevron_rightHow do I reserve a tennis court?
Tennis courts are available on a first come first “serve” basis. Please check in at the golf shop as the tennis courts are for use only by HOA members and their guests. Two tennis courts are available and they are not lighted – daylight use only. -
chevron_rightDoes Bear Lake West have a Pickleball Court? The lower tennis court now has a Pickleball court and net in place. Please check in with your membership card at the golf shop prior to playing. Court is available on a first-come first-serve basis. What is Pickleball? Learn more here.
Amenities - Golf
chevron_rightWhat hours are the golf course and pro shop open?
Golf course hours change with the number of daylight hours. Please check the list of Upcoming Events on the Home page for current first tee and last cart out times. - chevron_rightCan I book a tee time online?
Amenities - Restaurant
chevron_rightDo you have to be a member of Bear Lake West HOA to eat at Cooper's?
No. Cooper’s restaurant and sports bar are open to the public. -
chevron_rightAre Cooper's Restaurant and Sports Bar open year round?
Yes. Call 208-945-2222 for winter hours.
chevron_rightWhat are Cooper's Restaurant and Sports Bar Summer hours? Restaurant - Summer Hours:Monday – Thursday 11 am – 9 pm
Friday – Saturday 11 am – 10 pm
Sunday 8:30 am – 9 pm
Sports Bar - Summer Hours:
Monday – Thursday 11 am – 10 pm
Friday - Saturday 11 am – 12 am (or later)
Sunday 8:30 am – 10 pm -
chevron_rightWhat are Cooper's Restaurant and Sports Bar Winter Hours? Cooper's Winter Hours begin October 30th, 2018.Restaurant - Winter Hours:
Monday – Thursday 4:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Friday – Saturday 12 pm - 9 pm
Sunday 9:30 am - 8:30 pm
Sports Bar - Winter Hours:
Monday – Thursday 4:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Friday - Saturday 12 pm - 11 pm
Sunday 9:30 am - 8:30 pm -
chevron_rightAre reservations recommended for Cooper's? Reservations are recommended for weekends and holidays in the summer. Please call Cooper’s at 208-945-2222 for reservations.
- chevron_rightWhat is the schedule for live music at Cooper's?
chevron_rightWhere can I find the CC&Rs and other governing documents for Bear Lake West HOA? The CC&Rs and other governing documents related to Bear Lake West HOA can be found on the website under the "Members" drop down menu by selecting "HOA & County Documents".
chevron_rightI am planning a remodel or new construction on my property in Bear Lake West HOA. What do I do? When making changes to existing buildings or for new construction an Appendix A form must be completed and submitted to the HOA for approval. Appendix A is also required to be submitted and approved for additions, alterations, garages, sheds, or landscaping. This approval and payment of non refundable fee is the first step in the process. The PDF online fillable Appendix A form can be found on the website under the "Members" drop down menu by selecting "HOA & County Documents".Additional construction information can be found in the Bear Lake West CC&Rs as well. The CC&Rs can also be found under the "HOA and County Documents" selection.
chevron_rightAre dogs allowed to run loose in Bear Lake West? Absolutely not. Dogs are not allowed to run loose in Bear Lake West. Dog(s) must be under the control of the owner at all times.The HOA has restrictions, the County has an ordinance and the State of Idaho has statutes that apply to dogs.Please familiarize yourself with these as the life of your dog(s) could depend on it.
Fire, Fireworks, Firearms
chevron_rightAre fireworks allowed in Bear Lake West? Fireworks are NOT allowed in Bear Lake West subdivisions, beaches or common areas at anytime during the year. A $500 fine is assessed for each occurrence. Violators will be prosecuted for any and all violations.
chevron_rightAre open fires or fire pits allowed in Bear Lake West? Open fires, fire pits and any other type of open flame are NOT allowed in Bear Lake West subdivisions, beach or common areas. Neither wood nor gas fires are allowed. Open flames are a violation of the CC&R’s and can result in fines assessed to the homeowner violating the policy. A $300 fine for each occurrence is in place.
chevron_rightCan I discharge my firearm in Bear Lake West? Discharge of firearms is not allowed in Bear Lake West subdivisions, beaches or common areas. Target shooting and hunting are prohibited.
HOA Information
chevron_rightWhat is the relationship between Bear Lake West HOA and POA? The Bear Lake West HOA governs the main Bear Lake West subdivsion and Lakeside Estates Subdivision. The Bear Lake West POA governs the Bear Lake West subdivisions in Plat B and Plat C up Loveland Lane.The Bear Lake West HOA and Bear Lake West POA are independent associations. The two associations co-own the amenities facilities and assets: clubhouse, golf course, swimming pool, tennis courts and main beach access. Both the HOA and POA board of directors have representatives that make up the Amenties Board. The Amenities Board runs the business of the Amenities under the direction of the HOA and POA Boards.
chevron_rightHow do I determine if my property is in the Bear Lake West HOA or Bear Lake West POA? Bear Lake West HOA properties are located in the main Bear Lake West Subdivision and Lakeside Estates.Bear Lake West POA properties are located up Loveland Lane.Click this link to see a map of Bear Lake West to determine which Association governs your property.
chevron_rightWhat is the physical address for the main entrance to Bear Lake West? 155 North Highway 89
Fish Haven, ID 83287 -
chevron_rightWhat is the mailing address for Bear Lake West HOA? Bear Lake West HOA
PO Box 352
Garden City, UT 84028 -
chevron_rightHow do I get a mailbox in the Main Subdivision or Lakeside Estates? Mailboxes are for the use of owners located in the HOA only. Due to limited availability the mailboxes in these locations are not available to property owners outside of the HOA. A $24 annual mailbox fee is charged to owners with mailboxes. This fee covers the care and maintenance of the mailboxes.To see the instructions for obtaining a PO Box-InstructionsTo reserve a mailbox contact the HOA Secretary at secretary@bearlakewest.com
chevron_rightHow do I turn in my mailbox key and get a refund of my mailbox fees? Please contact the HOA Secretary to make arrangements to discontinue use of a mailbox. The mailbox fee will be refunded at a prorated amount of $2/month.
chevron_rightI'm a New Owner - where do I find info about the HOA? Please visit the New Homeowners page on the website.
chevron_rightWho is responsible for garbage collection at Bear Lake West? IDAWY Solid Waste District picks up the trash and is responsible for the maintenance of the dumpsters.Homeowners are responsible for throwing only bagged household garbage into the dumpsters and closing the lids on the dumpsters.
chevron_rightWho is responsible for weeds? County RepsonsibilityBear Lake County's Roadside Vegetation Management StrategyTodd TranstrumBear Lake County Weed Control(208) 221-0305Bear Lake County is responsible for controlling the legally designated noxious weeds in their rights ofway (areas between the county road surface and adjacent property). The County weed department spraysthese areas annually or as needed with selective broadleaf herbicides. We also target many nuisancebroadleaf weeds (not on Idaho’s noxious weed list) at the same time.The grass species are usually not targeted and left to grow on the roadside. We desire grass primarily tohelp keep out broadleaf noxious weeds. With the absence of grass, broadleaf weeds often thrive unabatedin spite of aggressive herbicide treatment.HOA ResponsibilityThe HOA controls the weeds by the mailboxes, water buildings, dumpsters and the west side of the bike path.Email main@bearlakewest.com for additional information.Owner ResponsibilityHomeowners are responsible for the weeds are on their properties, and for eradicating Dyer's Woad and other noxious weeds on their properties. The current list of Idaho Noxious Weeds can be found here with further details and pictures. As of January 2015, the top weeds of concern in Bear Lake County are: Dyer's Woad, Scotch Thistle, Dalmation Toadflax and Whitetop (Hoary Cress). Please take the time to identify these weeds of concern and eradicate them properly from your property.
chevron_rightWho sprays for insects? The County sprays for insects with a focus on mosquitoes.
chevron_rightWho is responsible for snow removal/plowing? The county plows the roads and on asphalted roads only, they spread salt and/or cinders. The Bear Lake County Snowplowing Policy can be found here.The HOA plows around the mailboxes, the Archway parking area, the garbage dumpsters and the water buildings throughout the winter.The Amenities group is responsible for plowing the golf course and clubhouse parking lots.Any other areas not plowed by the county, the HOA or Amenities are the responsibility of the homeowner.
chevron_rightWho is responsible for keeping the roads dustless? The County oils the roads in the beginning of summer to keep the dust down. Homeowners can help keep dust down by driving their vehicles, including ATVs, at a dustless speed.
chevron_rightWho is responsible for maintaining the bike pathway? The county maintains the bike pathway.
chevron_rightWho maintains the gardens, beach, golf course and common areas? The HOA is responsible for the Archway grass and gardens including mowing planting, weeding and overall maintenance.The Amenities group maintains the clubhouse facilities, the golf course and the beach.
Maintenance - Garbage
chevron_rightWhere do I dispose of garbage? IDAWY Solid Waste District dumpsters are intended for use by BLW homeowners for disposal of BAGGED HOUSEHOLD GARBAGE ONLY. Yard waste and tree limbs can be deposited at the burn pile. Large items must be disposed of at the landfill.
chevron_rightWhere are the nearest landfills located? Rich County, Utah Landfill Location:
Facility Location:Township 12N, Range 7E, Sections 15 and 16.The site is approximately 1 mile west of Sage Creek Junction. About 9 miles north of Randolph and about 15 miles south west of Bear Lake.
For Allowed Waste, Hours of Operation, Usage Charges and Additional Information on the Rich County Landfill visit:http://www.richcountyut.org/waste.html
Bear Lake County, Idaho Landfill Location:
Facility Location:175 Willowbrook Lane, Montpelier, ID 83254
For Usage Charges, Hours of Operation and Additional Information on the Bear Lake County Landfill please call: 208-847-4259 -
chevron_rightWhere can I dispose of yard waste? Yard wastes like tree limbs, weeds and grass clippings need to go to the burn pile and not placed in the dumpsters. Dumping yard waste in the dumpsters is not allowed because it does not leave adequate room for household garbage. The summer months place a large demand on the available dumpsters. Please use the dumpsters only for ordinary household waste and dispose of yard waste at the burn pile.The burn pile is located North of the clubhouse by the Quonset hut. Take the dirt road past the clubhouse and it will lead right to the pile.
chevron_rightWhere can I take recyclables for recycling? Things that can be recycled, like cans, metal, paper, cardboard, batteries, tires and the like should be taken of to Hennings Salvage in Montpelier, ID or other appropriate recycler. If you live in a community with recycling please take your recyclables home with you rather than dumping in the dumpster.Logan City Environmental accepts cardboard, plastic and glass. The address and contact information is:153 N. 1400 WestLogan, UT 84321(435) 716-9755
chevron_rightWhere do I dispose of reusable items? Gently used items should be donated to a charitable organization or advertised online. Please do not use the dumpster area as a Goodwill site by leaving items and hoping someone else can use them. List the item on KSL Classifieds, Craigslist or donate the item to a charitable organization that accepts gently used items such as Deseret Industries, The Salvation Army, Friends of MS, Garden Gate Thrift, or Bear Lake Memorial Hospital Thrift, etc.
Things To Do
chevron_rightIs there a calendar of events available for the Bear Lake Area? For a calendar of events in Bear Lake and surrounding areas please visit the Bear Lake Convention and Visitors Bureau Events Calendar here.
chevron_rightWhere can I find a fun checklist of fun activities to do at Bear Lake? Looking for a fun checklist to see how many activities you have done at Bear Lake? Visit the Bear Lake Convention and Visitors Bureau Checklist here.
chevron_rightWhere can I find things to do at Bear Lake? Check out this link to find activities available in the Bear Lake area:You can find additional links by scrolling down on the Bear Lake West Home page to the "Our Communities" section.
Web Cams
chevron_rightAre there any web sites with live shots of Bear Lake and surrounding areas?
The following camera links show Bear Lake and the surrounding areas. If you are aware of any other cameras with web access that can be shared please contact us.
Bear Lake Weather
Utah Idaho Border on US 89