Board Members
Bear Lake West Board of Directors
For any maintenance issues that needs to be addressed, please contact Conway Jensen (208) 244-9300. For all other matters, please contact secretary@bearlakewest.com. They will address your concerns or will send the information on to the appropriate board member for resolution.
Title | Name/Phone |
President/Swan Canal Representative |
Kevin McLeod/(801) 643-3993
Vice President
Jeff Frederick/(719) 217-5127
Secretary |
Karen Sexton/(719) 208-6772
Treasurer |
Wally McPheters/(801) 633-5094
Con Jensen/(208) 244-9300
Jeff Frederick/(719) 217-5127
Environmental Control
Con Jensen/(208) 244-9300
Jeff Frederick/(719) 217-5127
Jeff Frederick/(719) 217-5127
Jeff Frederick/(719) 217-5127
Reed McDermott/(801) 458-4197
Water Liaison
Derk Rasmussen/(801) 458-4207
Water System Operator Emergency Contact Information
Please respect the time of our water operators. They are available for routine questions from 8am-4pm during the week and non-holiday weekends only. For water hookups or other onsite meetings, please call a few days ahead to schedule a time. After hours calls are for emergencies only, such as large leaks in the water system (not for water hookups or questions on your bill). If you need to reach the water operator after hours for an emergency, please leave a message or send a text to the numbers below. They will return your call ASAP.
Name | Title | Cell |
Water Operator |
For Billing Questions Contact
Tiffany M. Wahlberg, CPA
For Amenities (Pool, Golf, Beach) questions contact the Pro-Shop (208) 945-2744
For Cooper's (Hours, Reservations, etc.) call (208) 945-2222