
The Bear Lake West HOA website was developed to serve as a resource for our members and the local community.  Please login or register to get community updates and current information. You can also access Recent News without a login.
If you need to know if you are a part of the BLW HOA or BLW POA, click here to view a map.  Page one includes lots within the HOA and page two includes lots within the POA.  The BLW POA website is https://www.bearlakewestpoa.com/
To greet your new neighbors, exchange information, and get community news, we invite you to join Nextdoor Bear Lake West. Views expressed on Nextdoor may not necessarily be the views of BLW HOA Board of Directors. The link is provided for your convenience https://nextdoor.com
Can't find the info you need?  Contact us with questions.
A water leak has been detected under Fremont Drive near the intersection of Fremont and Hickory Drive. All homes east of Hickory Drive may be without water after 8:30 this morning, February 7, 2025, while repairs are being made. We do not know the duration of the water outage. We will post updates as soon as they are available. Currently, 10:06, parts are being acquired and water will be shut off soon. 5:42-Water should be back on. Thank you for your patience and we apologize for any inconvenience. A boil advisory has been posted for members affected by the water leak. Please open with this link
1/14/2025 Bear Lake West HOA Members- Here is the results of the Keller Water Study. Please open this link and read it. Much of your future water fees and rates depend on this study. 
9/15/2024 Bear Lake West HOA Members-Until further notice, Board Meetings will be held on the second Thursday of the month at 6 pm in the board room. 
Our trailer lot is out of control. The lot is intended for HOA members only. We need to identify trailer owners. We will be initiating a permit program as soon as possible. If you have a trailer or know people who have a trailer in the lot, please email dotskid84@gmail.com with owner’s name, lot number, contact information, trailer description, and plate number. Once the permit system starts, trailers with unknown owners will be tagged and towed. A sign is posted with information on how to get a permit or overnight permission. This applies to contractors also depending on available space.
Important: A friendly reminder that, if accessible, it is your responsibility to clear leaves, branches, or other debris from your driveway culverts. This comes straight from Tod Boehm Bear Lake County Road and Bridge Superintendent.

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Upcoming Events
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HOA Board Meetings/Community
The Bear Lake West Homeowners Association Board of Directors meets monthly, generally on the second Thursday of each month at 6 pm.  
If you would like to attend the meeting or want additional information regarding BoD meetings please contact us via email using this link: meetings.
Have input or suggestions for the board of directors?  Please contact us via email using this link:  board.
To contact individual board members directly, please visit the Board Members page for email and phone contact information.
HOA News
Links to webcams for Bear Lake Weather (here) and Road Conditions (here) and (here).
Recent News
To view ongoing recent news and announcements, please click on the "Recent News" square on the lower portion of the Home page. 
To review parking lot guidelines and snow plow policy in "Recent News", you can click here.
Please be aware of the HOA, County and State regulations related to dogs in Bear Lake West HOA, Bear Lake County and the State of Idaho.  Dogs are to be under the control of the owner at all times.  
Dogs caught chasing deer and other big game animals can be seized, owners fined and/or the dogs destroyed by enforcement personnel.  Farmers are allowed to kill dogs caught harassing their livestock.  
Please be responsible for your sake and the sakes of your dogs and wildlife.  
Additionally, it is common courtesy to pick up your dog's feces when it eliminates on another owner's property or on roads in the HOA.  Be a good neighbor and clean up after your dog.  
NEW OWNERS - Please visit the link on the home page for new homeowners.  Both the new homeowners and the FAQ pages answer many common questions.
ALL OWNERS - An approved Appendix A is required prior to beginning new projects that modify your property. Any architectural construction or structural changes require an Appendix A.  Any additions, alterations, garages, sheds, or landscaping require an Appendix A also. Please contact the Environmental Control Committee for more info.  The Appendix A form is found on the website under the HOA and County Documents tab. Appendix A form is fillable online. 

Golf Course

With stunning views of Bear Lake on every hole you can't beat an afternoon spent on the golf course. Bear Lake West offers a challenging but fair layout to golfers of all skill levels. You will find exceptional service and exceptional course conditions everyday. We invite you play "Bear Lake's Best" at Bear Lake West

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Cooper's Restaurant

Cooper's Restaurant & Sports Bar located on the beautifully scenic Bear Lake West golf course. Unique, fresh menu as well as $5 Kid's meals. Indoor, and outdoor seating, with a lively sports bar. Open year round. 208-945-2222

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Pool & Hot Tub

Members and member guests of the Bear Lake West community can enjoy the swimming pool, deck and hot tub. Cooper’s is accessible for food and beverages and the view of the lake is spectacular.

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Connect With Us

P. O. Box 352
Garden City, UT 84028

Board Members

Contact Us

HOA Board Meetings:

  • 2nd Thursday of each month
  • 6 PM
  • Clubhouse 3rd floor