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Trash and Dumpster Guidelines
Posted on Dec 7th, 2022
Bear Lake West HOA Members. Please adhere to our dumpster garbage guidelines. Residents only please. Only bagged household garbage and please secure your bags. Wind will blow the garbage around otherwise. Please break down boxes as they take up a great amount of space and limits the amounts others can dispose of properly. Prohibited items are: anything toxic or flammable, furniture or appliances, and lumber or any other construction material. The county WILL not empty the dumpsters if these items are found in them. If the county will not dump them, a person has to load these onto a trailer and take them to the Bear Lake County Landfill. Many times a person literally has to climb inside the dumpster to retrieve the item(s). The person(s) does not do this for free! The process is charged to the HOA all labor, gas, and fees for dumping. Please adhere to the regulations. Save your HOA and Amenities dues for items that we all can enjoy rather than expenses like this.
Trash Service Days and Raspberry Days Additional Roll Off
Posted on Aug 4th, 2022
Members, on normal weeks, household trash pickup is on Monday and Saturday. Holiday weekends, it is picked up on Friday also to take some of the pressure from Saturday. An additional roll off will be placed Thursday or Friday and will be picked up Monday during summer holiday weekends. Please keep in mind, the roll off is for large items, furniture, etc. that is not to be disposed of in the regular dumpsters. Please NO appliances and do not place household refuse in roll off as it will attract scavengers that will spread garbage throughout the area. Yard refuse is to be taken to the burn pile as always.
Noxious Weeds
Posted on Jun 5th, 2022
According to our CC&Rs, article 5 section 5.2 paragraph 13, all homeowner lots (whether occupied or unoccupied) need to be maintained to prevent not only rubbish and debris but also the growth of noxious and invasive weeds including Dyers Woad. Dyers Woad is in full bloom currently. Here is a link with information on Dyers Woad and pictures to help you identify it in your lot. Please help your community eradicate it.
Thank you BLW HOA Board
Guidelines for the New and Old Parking Lots
Posted on May 3rd, 2022
What we have all been waiting for! Here are the guidelines for the Bear Lake West trailer parking lot:
a. Private Property
b. Designated trailer/RV parking for BLW residence and their guests only
c. The HOA Board is still considering specific time policies and restrictions for use
d. Construction equipment, trailers, and vehicles are asked to use east side of west lot
e. Your vehicle/trailer will be towed at your expense if you fail to comply with the guidelines above
Along with guidelines for the new lot comes new guidelines for the old lot holding the dumpsters:
a. Services for BLW Residents only
b. No parking allowed during school year
c. All unoccupied vehicles or equipment will be towed at owners expense
Thank all of you in advance for adhering to the guidelines.
Parking Lots and Snow Removal Policy
Posted on May 3rd, 2022
As a reminder, here are the guidelines for the dumpster lot:
a. Services for BLW Residents HOA only
b. No parking allowed for any type of vehicles, construction equipment, or trailers HOA members or otherwise during school year. This lot is for county vehicles including the trash service and school bus. These vehicles must have room to maneuver.
c. All unoccupied vehicles, equipment, or trailers will be ticketed and towed at owner’s expense.
The HOA would appreciate all property owners to inform friends, guests, and relatives of the rules regarding this lot. The new parking lot to the west is for parking of BLW property owners’ vehicles and trailers. Construction vehicles and equipment should be confined to the east side.
Please familiarize yourself with the Bear Lake County Snowplowing Policy. In addition to other important information, the policy states the county can tow your vehicles if left on county right of ways at the request of the road dept. and sheriff. The policy can be found through this link:/editor_upload/File/BL%20County/BL%20County%20Snowplowing%20Policy%2012_14%20full%20policy.pdf. For those of you residing on non-annexed roads, the HOA will plow those but please be patient. We can only get to one at a time. 
Thank you for your cooperation.